"mon•ey (mŭn'ē)
n., pl. -eys or -ies.
1. A medium that can be exchanged for goods and services and is used as a measure of their values on the market, including among its forms a commodity such as gold, an officially issued coin or note, or a deposit in a checking account or other readily liquefiable account.
2. The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes issued by a government.
3. Assets and property considered in terms of monetary value; wealth."
A medium that can be exchanged for goods and services.
Let that sink in.
If I have money I can get you deliver to me goods and services. Cars, food, houses, maid services, plummer services. I can get someone to clean my toilet, deliver pizza, provide me with sex, whatever.
That means I can get people to do things for me and give me things. That’s power, ain’t it?
"Power : possession of control, authority, or influence over others"
If the ability to pass out money confers power, then every unit of money is an expression of a unit of the conferee’s power.
Power is a social relationship. It is a social relationship that confers control onto someone over someone else.
So let’s call money by it’s real name: Each unit of money (one Dollar, one Euro, one Yen, one Yuan) then is, logically, a unit of an Expression of Power. Less confusion. Let’s stick with this term for now.
So how do the folks who possess these units of Expression of Power obtain them? Do they dig them up somewhere?
They are created out of nothing physical and they are not physical. They are just words. The authority to create these words here in the United States has been conferred to the Federal Reserve. To create them out of nothing. The Federal Reserve is the central bank (the “Boss” bank) of all the banks in this country. It is owned by the big banks such as Chase, and the Bank of America. Anytime these banks need some of the Power words they get them from the Boss Bank. The Fed.
Now imagine that each one of you could create unlimited amounts of units of Expression of Power. At will. Out of nothing. You could pass them out and get whatever you wish in return. That’s about as close as to the power of a god that you can get to. A wet dream, ain't it?
So what is this power based on? Well, take out a dollar bill (if you have one) and look at it. Right up there to the upper left of slave master number one, George Washington, it says “This Note Is Legal Tender for All Debts, Public and Private”. Note the term “legal”. Legal means by law. Law is a rule of compulsion. The ability to compel is power, and that legal compulsion is based upon armed force.
That means that I can obtain a car from you. You might want payment in gold, oil, or paper mulch in exchange. And I might agree, but if I decide to give you banknotes instead, and you don’t accept them, because I tendered these notes to you and because they are legal tender for all debts, public and private, I still will have extinguished my debt to you and be able to keep the car.
Thus, the value of money, of these units of Expression of Power are based upon compulsion, and the ability to compel is based on the force of law, which in turn is based on the organized force of arms. That is, military power.
Again: The value of any particular brand of money is ultimately based on military power.
So what does this all have to do with the how and where of us black folk acquiring money?
Well, stay tuned.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Essence Of Money
Posted by Michael Fisher at 9:56 PM
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