Sunday, October 7, 2007


Welcome to the Assault On Black Powerlessness.

This site is about walking the walk of our talk over at the Assault On Black Folk's Sanity.

Liberation means we got to use every resource that is available to us. The primary one being our brains.

Don't believe for a minute that economic advancement is the be all and end all. Everything that you have worked for, and everything that you will work for henceforth can be taken from us at a minute's notice. It ain't gonna take but five minutes either.

Nonetheless, we got to do it. We have to move forward and do as Booker T. Washington, the Hon. Marcus Garvey, and so many others told us to do.

Do for self.

Remember that every advance you make in life is anathema, a set back, to white supremacists.

Never sleep.

To those of you who think that there is no such thing as the System of Racism/White Supremacy: that's ok, too. We want to see African people thrive whatever they believe. As long as they don't believe in selling us down the river.

The economic strategies to be developed here are akin to guerrilla war tactics.

They have to be flexible, implementable by individuals or small teams, require little or no start-up capital, be able to sustain a comfortable life-style, and enable each of us to pull another African up behind us.

Remember, as long as even one of us is mistreated and denied opportunity, all of us are mistreated and denied opportunity. For if we let it happed to one of us, where will it stop? What makes you, and you, and you, and me, immune to this system of mistreatment?

I hope all of you will not only come to learn, but that you will come to teach. Help develop ideas and strategies.

My personal initial focus will be on the trading and creation of money.

I have no idea what Craig Nulan will talk about. He is, as am I, and as more folks come on line as contributors, others, free to develop whatever ideas they have.

As on the Assault On Black Folk's Sanity, I expect that there will be a lot of creative tension and dissension.

There will be no comment moderation here. This is the real world. The real world is not censored.

As to commenting. We'll use the Halscan commenting system for a while.

If it turns out to be unwieldy, we'll switch back to Blogger.

See you all on Monday or Tuesday with my first post.