Ok. Before we get into the meat of things, let’s talk about some basic truths.
First, it is vital to understand that we are involved in a war. If you believe that the white supremacists packed up their bags, relinquished power, and got out of Dodge in the late 1960s because MLK lead a movement of Negro supplication, I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
King was assassinated when he moved from Negro supplication to the advocacy of black power, of naked force in resistance.
"These are revolutionary times. All over the globe men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression and out of the wombs of a frail world new systems of justice and equality are being born. The shirtless and barefoot people of the land are rising up as never before. 'The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light.' We in the West must support these revolutions." Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence, By Rev. Martin Luther King, 4 April 1967
Wars are only about military conflict as an after thought. Read Sun Tzu. The application of violence in war is always a last resort measure. The Japanese attacked the United States in 1941 because the United States was conducting economic warfare against the Japan Empire and sooner or later would have strangled the Japanese into submission.
The same with black folk.
There is a reason we are economically behind most everybody.
Which is…
You have to understand that white people in general and the white folks who run this system do not want to see us collectively succeed economically.
Let’s repeat that: They do not want to see us as a people collectively succeed economically.
You need proof? Well, open your eyes and look around you.
Since we are engaged in an economic war which has been thrust upon us, we need to function like economic soldiers. Disciplined, with clear plans and objectives. And since we are engaged in a war with the most awesome organized economic force in the history of humankind, we have to do what all disorganized weaker forces must do: Approach this economic war like an economic guerilla.
A guerilla carries only what fits on his/her back. A guerilla is above all flexible. A guerilla starts off with no weapons and needs to manufacture none. Why? Because a guerilla forces his/her enemy to be the source of his/her supplies.
Guerilla Economics.
Another thing. Warfare is about serious business. Particularly economic warfare. You can not win if you do not have a winning team. That means, if you have a spouse, partner, lover, whatever who are not as disciplined as you are and have to be and have no inclination to become such, who are spendthrifts and financial black holes, if you want to be a survivor or even successful in this arena of economic warfare, you have to ditch them. Now.
Remember, everything we do henceforth is for our children, grand-children, and great-grand children. They are supposed to reap the benefits of our efforts.
Lastly, if you came here 'cause you think I've got all the answers, I've got another bridge to sell you. I think I have some answers. However, we're going to have to figure this entire thing out together.
Ok. Let that sink in for now.
I got some homework for you to do.
I want each one of you who is a registered member to let us know what you think money is.
Make it two sentences or less. Certainly no more. Focus.
Use the comments section.
Do it by tomorrow evening.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Move On Out
Posted by Michael Fisher at 12:20 PM
Labels: guerilla economics
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